[cl-smtp-devel] Re: Encoding issues

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Sat Aug 9 20:05:16 UTC 2008

> I'm not an expert on any of this (in fact I really know nothing about
> email at all, most of this was accomplished w/ late-night guess and
> checking), but this code has got 300+ sometimes-ASCII-sometimes-UTF-8
> invites sent successfully over the last 3 days w/out any problems
> except for some what we think are some misconfigured mail-servers in
> Poland.

Thanks again! But are you sure you have covered all cases with tests?

I have experienced two problems so far:

  1. Body is ASCII, Subject contains non-ASCII parts
     -> email/ascii is used, which fails because of the subject.

  2. .qprint-encode/utf-8-email-subject doesn't do what it should
     for me. Consider:

(defun .qprint-encode/utf-8-email-subject (string)
  (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\S+"
                              (list (lambda (word)
                                      (format t "word: ~A~%" word)
                                      (if (not (.unicode-p word))
                                          (format nil
                                                  (.qprint-encode/utf-8 word)))))
                              :simple-calls t))

  (this is your version with just one format line added for debugging)

  With tracing enabled:

(.qprint-encode/utf-8-email-subject "äöß äöß abc")
  0: (.QPRINT-ENCODE/UTF-8-EMAIL-SUBJECT "äöß äöß abc")
  0: .QPRINT-ENCODE/UTF-8-EMAIL-SUBJECT returned "äöß äöß abc" NIL
"äöß äöß abc"

So it doesn't really do anything, and the regex doesn't seem
to match any word...

Am I doing something wrong?


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