[cells-devel] Re: Problem with request

Ken Tilton kennytilton at optonline.net
Fri Apr 11 21:00:35 UTC 2008

Ken Tilton wrote:
> I made the change so the little indicator to the right of the package
> pop-up says either "on" or "all" and that worked when I selected a
> package. But then I clicked on exported-only and the tag reverted to
> all. I had a lisp (describe request) in the processing stream and can
> see why:
> #<HUNCHENTOOT::REQUEST @ #x21aa559a> is an instance of
>  The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
>                       . "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1;
> en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1 Safari/525.13")
>                      (:CACHE-CONTROL . "max-age=0")
>                      (:X-REQUESTED-WITH . "XMLHttpRequest")
>                      (:ACCEPT-LANGUAGE . "en-US")
>                      (:ACCEPT-ENCODING . "gzip, deflate")
>                      (:REFERER . "http://localhost:8000/apropos")
>                      (:ACCEPT . "*/*")
>                      (:COOKIE
>                       .
> "hunchentoot-session=3%3a0b9ec45ad30835f959590b891dc5ddee")
>                      (:CONNECTION . "keep-alive")
>                      (:HOST . "localhost:8000"))
>   METHOD            :GET
>   URI               "/apropos/EXPORTED-ONLY-P?EXPORTED-ONLY-P=on"
>                       #x219f7132>
>   COOKIES-IN        (("hunchentoot-session"
>                       . "3:0b9ec45ad30835f959590b891dc5ddee"))
>   SCRIPT-NAME       "/apropos/EXPORTED-ONLY-P"
>   SESSION           #<HUNCHENTOOT::SESSION @ #x21862422>
>   AUX-DATA          NIL
> The get-parameters just shows the effected field. Is that something we
> are doing? I would say we could change rules to say (or (param?...)
> .cache), but I recall you said... well, that was attributes, nothing is
> said if the attibute goes away or something.

OK, I have been thinking. We like the granularity, so these 
get-parameters -- er, why aren't they post parameters? -- should not be 
treated as they are now as definitive of all the data, they just signify 
specific updates to the model.

So I am thinking we take a different approach and simply loop over the 
values received and SETF the model slots, which should be c-in or c?n if 
they need to calculate an interesting initial value for a field based on 
other info.

I will play with this.

Meanwhile, I see a parameter on the server that says output-chunking is 
true -- in the request handler instead of bunging them all into a single 
string can we just write them one at a time to page and trust hunch to 
chunk them?


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