[pg-devel] 2 New pg/sbcl test cases - 2 tests fail

Eric Marsden eric.marsden at free.fr
Fri Sep 15 21:14:01 UTC 2006

>>>>> "tc" == Travis Cross <travis at travislists.com> writes:

  tc> * The multiprocessing test now runs on SBCL (though it currently
  tc> generates lisp errors reliably ("The value 73 is not of type BIT.")).

  I can reproduce this every so often with SBCL on
  Linux/AMD64. It may be a bug in SBCL's threading code. 

  tc> * I added a prepare/bind/execute test that tries to insert text
  tc> data.  This generates a postgresql error ("invalid byte sequence for
  tc> encoding "LATIN1": 0x00, NIL.").

  I can also reproduce this, but haven't worked out what it's due to.
  This error is being raised from PostgreSQL ; it's likely that some
  of the P/B/E code is sending garbage.
Eric Marsden

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