[clfswm-devel] Fixes for reorder-* and frame-select-*-child

Michael Raitza spacefrogg-clfswm at meterriblecrew.net
Tue Oct 9 19:09:51 UTC 2012


I was totally misguided in these cases. I missed the fact that the
functions are to be used in circulate mode. I used them directly.

Nevertheless I added a select-previous-child-simple function. It was
missing somehow. :) Patch attached.

One more thing. Concerning the circulation I have noticed that, when
changing root frames, the message box appears on the frame that was just
left and not on the entered frame. It seems to be due to the fact that
the window and the garbage collector are allocated when entering the
circulate mode. I had no good idea to fix it but to rewrite that stuff.


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