[vial-devel] darcs patch: normal mode commands, cc, c<motion>, s, S, -, +, J, X

Brad Beveridge brad.beveridge at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 21:19:39 UTC 2006

On 23/10/06, Alessandro Piras <laynor at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > (define-bindings
> > >   (*join-lines-command-binding* "J")
> > >   (*change-single-line-from-active-binding* "cc")
> > >    .....)
> > > This would make changing actual bindings clearer I think. Also I think that
> > > surely there's a better way to do something like this than "defining a bunch
> > > of variables", but I'm a noob and now i
> > > thought of it as a simple method =)
> > Hmm, I don't understand what you mean exactly here, but just looking
> > at the code I don't really like the way it sits on the page :)  I'm
> > not sure why we need the global vars.
> The thing I thought is about making it easier for the (end) user to
> change some bindings. I guess there's a better way to do it than
> global variables, maybe putting the bindings in a hash table or
> something like that...
> Doing so the end user can modify the bindings (or add new ones)  just
> putting (*<name--of-the-command>-bindings* "hk") inside the define
> bindings form instead of having to deal with define-pattern forms
> (that are also repeated thru all the code, so making a macro is not a
> bad thing I think).
Ah, I see what you mean.  I think one of the strongest points of Vim
is that there is a fairly standard key map that people generally don't
deviate from.  For example, I type Dvorak and have only changed the
home row movement keys jkhl to htjk.  h and t for up and down, j and k
for left and right.  Vial currently supports this kind of remapping
(the same as Vim's :map command), so that you can map any single
keypress to any other single keypress, or in fact a single keypress to
multiple keypresses, ie "D" -> "dd" perhaps.
I think this level of remapping is probably sufficient.  The
DEFINE-PATTERN macro is not really meant to be used by end users, only
for adding the default mappings.
Does that make sense?


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