[hunchentoot-devel] OpenMCL and corrupted multipart/form-data posted binary files

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Mon Jan 21 20:36:15 UTC 2008

On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:54:29 -0500, "Peter Eddy" <peter.eddy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is this a known problem?

No, it's the first time I hear of it.  How do you make the distinction
between "binary" and "text" files?  Hunchentoot doesn't do that, it
treats every upload as a binary file.  And what do you mean with
"corrupted"?  Is the uploaded file shorter than the original or longer
or is it the same length but wrong data?  Is this reproducible or does
it only happen sometimes?  Have you checked that this is not a browser
issue?  (You could try uploading from Drakma, for example.)  Did you
see something in Hunchentoot's log file?  Are you really sure you
removed /all/ FASL files after updating?  Do you have a chance to test
with OpenMCL on Linux instead of OS X?


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