[hunchentoot-devel] Connection to Postgres via Postmodern with Unicode

Jens Teich info at jensteich.de
Mon Apr 30 11:41:00 UTC 2007

Lispworks 5.02, WinXP

Everything working in the listener:

| (postmodern:with-connection ("web_access"
|                              "web_access"
|                              "xxx"
|                              "localhost")
|   (postmodern:query
|    "select * from merkmale limit 10"))
| (("g5p7327541ptj4diy19363553jh3yx      "
|   "de"
|   "5yt732754w29gt8xhve36355ormaci 
| ...
|   70
|   "    . hohe Kontaktsicherheit bei niedrigen Strömen "
| .......^.........................................^
| ...

But the same thing in the web using an easy-handler

| (define-easy-handler (test :uri (prefixed "test"))()
|   (with-html-output-to-string (out)
|     (postmodern:with-connection ("web_access"
|                                  "web_access"
|                                  "xxx"
|                                  "localhost")
|       (htm
|        (:html (:head (:title "Testpage"))
|         (:body (:p (fmt "~a"
|                         (postmodern:query
|                          "select * from merkmale limit 10")))))))))

works fine unless higher unicode characters are involved.

Empty page in the browser then, no error. Simply a blank page.


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