[tbnl-devel] tbnl configuration

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Fri Feb 10 07:46:29 UTC 2006


On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 21:15:58 -0800, CyBerHigh <cyberhigh at gurusnetwork.org> wrote:

> I am using apache 12

Er, Apache 12?

> Like, I tried to make it so that everything inside of /asp would be
> ran with TBNL server, however it just gives me a page saying that
> TBNL isn't proberly configured yet.  Any idea as to how I can set it
> so this will work?

Yes, sure.  Why don't you tell us how your handlers and dispatchers
look like?  If you've just changed the Apache location from /tbnl to
/asp, you won't see anything but the default page with the test code
because the test code checks for URLs starting with /tbnl/test.  My
guess is that this might be your problem.

> Also is is possible for me to be able to set up apache to handle any
> file with the .lisp extention as a lisp file and send it to TBNL
> server?

This should do it:

  AddHandler lisp-handler .lisp

> As I was playing with the test page I noticed that the server didn't
> seem very responsive.

I haven't seen that here.  This is SBCL on which OS?  If it isn't a
recent version with native threads on Linux/x86 with a 2.6.x kernel,
then you must switch to another Lisp like CMUCL[1], LispWorks, or
AllegroCL.  TBNL needs a Lisp with MP capabilities - see


[1] For CMUCL don't forget the usual


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