[tbnl-devel] New version 0.2.10

Stefan Scholl stesch at no-spoon.de
Mon Aug 30 23:04:01 UTC 2004

On 2004-08-30 17:19:17, Travis Cross wrote:
> I have one question that I haven't seen come up on the mailing list or 
> in the documentation:  what are the hurdles or considerations in 
> implementing multipart form / file upload handling in TBNL ?

Make it just work or make it perfect. :-)

The whole MIME RFCs are somewhat complex. I'm really missing the
KISS principle there.

But there are libraries which implement multipart parsing that
are not perfect but work since years. I've read the code in
cgi.rb (CGI library of Ruby) and it's easy enough to be an
example for own implementations.

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