[slime-devel] Re: Improvement request to M-.

Chris Capel pdf23ds at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 02:13:22 UTC 2004

Helmut Eller wrote:
> This requires support from your Lisp implementation.  SBCL doesn't
> have it.  You could switch to another Lisp, implement it yourself, or
> you could try to port the CMUCL code.  See:

Interestingly enough--and this isn't a condemnation of SLIME in any
way--Visual Studio.NET has full capabilities to look up the source location
of any variable or definition in the current project. This seems to be
implemented completely in the editor, which means that it has to be able to
parse C#. Funny.

In the vein of copying from VS.NET, I think a neat thing that might be
relatively easy to implement is to highlight unmatched parentheses in a
form, using as a context the area between the top-level text closest before
the point ("(defun" or "(defmacro") and the top-level text after the point.
This way it's easy to tell when you need more parentheses somewhere. Or
maybe it could be even closer to where the actual parenthesis is needed, by
comparing the ideal indentation (as per lisp-indent-line) to the current
indentation of the lines.

I suppose this would be a rather ambitious project, and of dubious value.
But definitely neat.

Chris Capel

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