[postmodern-devel] Submarine announcement

Marijn Haverbeke marijnh at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 14:24:02 UTC 2007

> Do you think this is enough for saving that ton of headaches? :) If it
> is not, please don't hesitate to give examples of problems that may
> arise, and I will try to do something about them.

Will Submarine allow DAO-style classes to be defined for the created
tables? These classes will have to defined every time the program is
compiled/used, while the database tables only have to be created when
a new DB is initialized. Also, the problem with the foreign keys to
non-existant tables seems a lot more manageable to me if definition
and creation are two different commands. But I haven't thought deeply
about any of this, so just do what seems workable to you.


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