[postmodern-devel] Submarine announcement

Ryszard Szopa ryszard.szopa at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 10:47:20 UTC 2007

On 9/2/07, Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Also, the creation of an SQL table is a shared-initialize :after
> > method of db-class. This means that there's no need of an additional
> > command to creating a table or all the tables -- it's all done at
> > definition time. The drawback of this approach is that I cannot
> > compute the dependencies between tables and reorder them so that
> > Postgres is happy.
> I think this is an awful idea -- keeping the definition and the actual
> creation of tables separately allows a flexibility which can save you
> a ton of headaches.

Well, for me it works fine this way. Also, this is only the default
behavior. If you don't provide a connection spec to defdao (macro
creating a subclass of dao with the metaclass set do db-class), then
no SQL queries will be executed (I use this feature for making
fixtures and base classes on the Lisp side that shouldn't have any
effect on the Postgres side).

Do you think this is enough for saving that ton of headaches? :) If it
is not, please don't hesitate to give examples of problems that may
arise, and I will try to do something about them.


    -- Richard


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