Novice Questions about clfswm Usage

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at
Thu May 28 20:19:07 UTC 2015


@Alexander: Welcome on board. Hope you'll like clfswm.

It's nice to have no more words to say than the perfect Andrea's response :-)

Thanks Andrea,

Have fun,


Andrea De Michele writes:

> I am not an expert, anyway "my" -- stolen from some web resources --
> solutions are:
> 1) for switch the main modifier form Alt to left win
> key. I take a note that the following code must be at the end of the
> configuration file, but I don't known why and if it is really necessary:
> (defun change-alt-modifier ()
>   (binding-substitute-modifier :mod-4 :mod-1))
> (add-hook *binding-hook* 'change-alt-modifier)
> 2) stumpwm like run-or-raise:
> in src/clfswm-util.lisp there is the function run-or-raise.
> I use it like the configuration file example ./doc/dot-clfswmrc for example for emacs:
> (defun $start-emacs ()
>  "Run or raise emacs"
>  (setf *second-mode-leave-function*
>        (lambda ()
>          (run-or-raise (lambda (win) (string-equal "emacs"
> 						    (xlib:get-wm-class win)))
>                        (lambda () (do-shell "cd $HOME && exec emacsclient -c")))))
>  (leave-second-mode))
> and then add a binding to the new function:
> (defun binding-example ()
>  (define-second-key ("e") '$start-emacs))
> (add-hook *binding-hook* 'binding-example)
> Alexander Stein <al at> writes:
>> I am trying to get started with clfswm, as it seems to be one hell of an
>> awesome window manager.  For me it is blessedly less dogmatic and
>> flexible version of StumpWM (not in regards to extensibility, but less
>> mouse hate, and a few cool additional features).  With that in mind, a
>> few questions.
>> I want to switch the main modifier from Alt to Meta_L or Meta.  I am a
>> CL novice.  Can someone instruct me how to do that?  I have perused the
>> source the last few days.  Secondary bindings are obvious, but I cannot
>> figure quite how to modify this main key.
>> Is there something akin to the run-or-raise feature of StumpWM?  I would
>> very much like to know if there is native functionality.
>> I am aware of wmctrl and xdotool, without or without this dev's
>> xbindkeys tool, but I am nonetheless curious.

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