Expose mode: strange failures.

Michaël Cadilhac michael at cadilhac.name
Fri Dec 6 21:35:15 UTC 2013

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 9:08 PM, Philippe Brochard
<pbrochard at common-lisp.net> wrote:
> SBCL is more sensible than CLISP for unicode strings. This is why I use
> the (ugly but works) ensure-printable function. But I forgot one in the
> new fastswitch-mode code. This is hopefully fixed with the commit
> 544f93c.

Merci!  I still have the random crashes with Expose mode though.
Anything I can do to give you a more meaningful report?  Is there a
way to have a backtrace for instance?

And two other unrelated things, if I may hijack my own thread:
- I modified  reorder-brother-simple so that it behaves like
reorder-brother when called with (child-root-p (current-child)), that
is, (leave-frame) then (enter-frame).  I believe this is more
consistent and should be done in master.
- If I wanted to add a system tray to the toolbar, would
https://github.com/lucashpandolfo/stumpwm-tray be a good start?

Merci d'avance!

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