[clfswm-devel] Questions / Feature requests regarding the focus policy

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Wed Apr 24 20:56:15 UTC 2013

Renaud Casenave-Péré a écrit :

> On Mon, Apr 22 2013, Philippe Brochard wrote:
>> It's a bad idea because this line is here to maintain the clfswm tree in
>> a consistent order.
> That's too bad... Well there are some problems with this approach, but it kind
> of works :)
>> Maybe we have to add a specific case following the new window hook?
>> But before this, do you have a reproductive case of your expected
>> behaviour (which application steal the focus?)
> You can reproduce it like this (I use conkeror as my default browser):
> If you have emacs and a browser (one which uses tabs over several windows)
> opened and in the same frame (I'm not sure if you can reproduce this if they are
> in different frames) and use browse-url from emacs, the browser intercepts the
> call, opens a new tab and steals the focus.
That's funny we have had the inverse request with the same example some
times ago because clfswm did not change focus on configure request :-)

So, to please both request, I have added a configuration variable
(*steal-focus*) which allow to control if clfswm has to steal or not the
focus on configure request. You'll have to set it to nil in your
configuration file or change it from the configuration menu.

> Thanks!
Please, test!


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