[cl-typesetting-devel] cl-typesetting Unicode support :)

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Tue Nov 1 21:52:24 UTC 2005

"Faré" <fahree at gmail.com> wrote:

>Congratulations for the latest cl-typesetting!


>The newest SBCL (thanks for including support!) caught errors in (the
>version you use of) iterate regarding misuse of (delete ...) which has
>side-effects is doesn't preserve its second argument. (delete entry
>index) should be (setf index (delete entry index)) twice, and (delete
>nil temps) should probably be (remove nil temps). I don't know where
>is the "upstream" of iterate, but if they don't have this fix, they
>should get it, too. Patch attached. Happily these errors don't seem to
>affect the behaviour of cl-pdf.

OK. Have you sent it to the iterate mailing list ?

>Note that the example9 of cl-pdf is very slow. Is it purposeful that
>the picture be only one fourth of the page?

I don't know. It's just an example. I just checked it was OK.

> The most interesting point is the Unicode support. (see the attached pdf
> file)
> For now it's Lispworks only. There is only the unicode-string-type macro
> change for other implementations, so please send me the customized
> of this macro.
>'string should work great for SBCL with SB-UNICODE. However, I
>couldn't get the hello-u example to work, because it complained there
>was no font file TimesNewRomanPSMT. The instructions in your
>cl-pdf/unicode-readme.txt don't work as is. In particular, I can
>create a .afm and a .t1a from a ttf file thanks to ttf2pt1 but no .ufm
>file. I'll muck around some more...

Don't bother, in fact this version don't generate a .ufm file. :(
The Windows executable I've put on my site does though.
I'm modifying ttf2pt1 to generate a merged afm/ufm file, it will be cleaner.


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