[cl-typesetting-devel] cl-typesetting Unicode support :)

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 21:23:28 UTC 2005

Congratulations for the latest cl-typesetting!

The newest SBCL (thanks for including support!) caught errors in (the
version you use of) iterate regarding misuse of (delete ...) which has
side-effects is doesn't preserve its second argument. (delete entry
index) should be (setf index (delete entry index)) twice, and (delete
nil temps) should probably be (remove nil temps). I don't know where
is the "upstream" of iterate, but if they don't have this fix, they
should get it, too. Patch attached. Happily these errors don't seem to
affect the behaviour of cl-pdf.

Note that the example9 of cl-pdf is very slow. Is it purposeful that
the picture be only one fourth of the page?

> The most interesting point is the Unicode support. (see the attached pdf
> file)
> For now it's Lispworks only. There is only the unicode-string-type macro to
> change for other implementations, so please send me the customized versions
> of this macro.
'string should work great for SBCL with SB-UNICODE. However, I
couldn't get the hello-u example to work, because it complained there
was no font file TimesNewRomanPSMT. The instructions in your
cl-pdf/unicode-readme.txt don't work as is. In particular, I can
create a .afm and a .t1a from a ttf file thanks to ttf2pt1 but no .ufm
file. I'll muck around some more...

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
Can anyone squash this butterfly in Tokyo? I'm sick with its flapping wings
changing the outcome of my life.
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