[cells-gtk-devel] new patch

Dmitri Hrapof hrapof at common-lisp.ru
Sat Mar 24 16:07:12 UTC 2007

Hello! I tried to post this message a week ago, but apparently it was 
too long for the list, so I resend it after putting the patch on the web.

I've just finished a substantial project in which I tried lots of new 
Lisp things (for me, that is): foreign libraries, GUI, serial port 
programming, process spawning etc. It's a real time scientific data 
visualisation program, and I am pleased to say that Lisp version (5 
kLOC) is faster than C++ one (13 kLOC). The only thing I regret is I 
didn't use cells themselves as time was scarce and I had to learn GTK 
along the way, so I decided to absorb new things gradually :)
The patch with modifications that I made to cells-gtk in the process 
(mostly new function declarations) lies here: 
I ran diff as follows:
diff -urN cells-gtk-2006-06-30-orig cells-gtk-2006-06-30 >cells-gtk.patch

I reinclude drawing.lisp but removed almost everything from it save 
widget declaration. The reason is that drawing and text rendering can be 
done either with cl-opengl and freetype (e.g. my semi-working freetype 
binding, inspired by CLIM freetype binding: 
http://www.common-lisp.ru/cleft.lisp) or with cl-cairo.

Hope it will be useful.

Sincerely yours,

P.S. BTW, is any support for Glade planned?

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