[cells-gtk-devel] Cool

Peter Denno peter.denno at nist.gov
Fri Feb 11 17:14:07 UTC 2005

On Friday 11 February 2005 18:24, Peter McDermott wrote:
> I managed to get the cells-gtk demos to run earlier today on clisp.
> Very cool!
> If, in the next few days, I'm able to transform the gtk-demo code into
> the beginnings of the lisp/gtk application I working on, I will be very,
> very happy.

I did the same over the last week or so. It wasn't too hard.

> I read the documentation on cells itself and briefly checked out the gtk
> example code.  One thing that isn't quite clear to me, is, why does UI
> programming lend itself to a system like cells?  I mean, I understand
> the spreadsheet analogy for a spreadsheet, but not necessarily for a UI.

Well, having not written cello or cells-gtk, but now used it, I guess I am 
somewhat a neutral observer: GUI programming can get very messy very fast. It 
appears to me that the cells approach really does manage the complexity of 
the code nicely. And WRT to the implementation of a GTK binding for lisp, and 
what I can see studying Vasilis's code, it seems it made the implementation 
more elegant too.

> Any pointers on how to wrap my traditional message-loop-dispatch thought
> processes around cells-gtk would be much appreciated.
> Also, is there any relationship between cells-gtk can cello?

Cello is the "cells" in "cells-gtk"  You loaded cello to get things running.

> By the way, I'm new to lisp--just started six days ago after much
> reading about it.  So that may explain some of my thickness.
> -Peter M
> P.S. I couldn't get the tarball from cvs to run on cmucl.  It gave me a
> cryptic error about something related to "usr/lib."  Is this known?  If
> not, I can try it out again tomorrow.

I am working with Andras on this. He has the cmucl stuff working. The belief 
was that the tarball version supported cmucl, but that hasn't been my 
experience. (And there is more to it than not finding the libraries). 

I am going to make some cvs commits, maybe later today, to fix some things 
with tree-view selection on #-Clisp... and some other stuff. I hope to get 
the cmucl patches in there too.. 

Best Regards,
 - Peter

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