[cells-gtk-devel] Cool

Peter McDermott peter at petermcd.com
Fri Feb 11 23:24:40 UTC 2005

I managed to get the cells-gtk demos to run earlier today on clisp.
Very cool!

If, in the next few days, I'm able to transform the gtk-demo code into
the beginnings of the lisp/gtk application I working on, I will be very,
very happy.

I read the documentation on cells itself and briefly checked out the gtk
example code.  One thing that isn't quite clear to me, is, why does UI
programming lend itself to a system like cells?  I mean, I understand
the spreadsheet analogy for a spreadsheet, but not necessarily for a UI.

Any pointers on how to wrap my traditional message-loop-dispatch thought
processes around cells-gtk would be much appreciated.

Also, is there any relationship between cells-gtk can cello?

By the way, I'm new to lisp--just started six days ago after much
reading about it.  So that may explain some of my thickness.

-Peter M

P.S. I couldn't get the tarball from cvs to run on cmucl.  It gave me a
cryptic error about something related to "usr/lib."  Is this known?  If
not, I can try it out again tomorrow.

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