[cells-devel] Minor Celtk/Togl woes

Luís Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 18:22:40 UTC 2006


First off, I hope this is the right mailing list for Celtk issues.

The first issue was easy. gui-geometry is missing an .asd file.  
(Attached is a simple .asd for it.)

The second issue is that building Togl requires private Tcl/Tk  
headers that don't come with OSX's Tcl/Tk frameworks. This probably  
wan't the best way to do it but here's what I did:

   => Downloaded the Tcl distribution from

   => Copied the tk/tk8.4.7/generic/*.h and tk/tk8.4.7/macosx/*.h
      headers to

   => make. Copied libTogl1.7.dylib to /usr/lib

   => Changed togl.lisp's define-foreign-library.
      (patch attached)

   => Changed the pathnames that were pointing at c:\0dev\Celtk
      (patch attached)

After this I can see spinning gears (though I can't seem to change  
their spinning speed) and lotsa widgets including a picture from back  
when Portugal was under a dictatorship and my parents didn't know  
each other. :-)

Btw, Togl's CVS version (2.0 to be, apparently) doesn't have the  
following functions defined in togl.lisp: Togl_CreateFunc(),  
Togl_DisplayFunc(), Togl_ReshapeFunc(), Togl_DestroyFunc() and  
Togl_TimerFunc(). What's up with that?

Luís Oliveira

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