[cells-devel] chat-server using cells?

Lars Rune Nøstdal larsnostdal at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 17:15:16 UTC 2006

I'm trying to figure out how to design a chat-server using Cells. This
doesn't work, but this is what I've come up with:

(defpackage CellsChat
  (:use :cl :cells))
(in-package :CellsChat)

(defparameter *newline* (princ-to-string #\Newline))

(defmodel CellsChat ()
  ((username :cell nil :accessor username-of :initarg :username
             :initform (error "CellsChat needs a `username'."))

   (text-box :accessor text-box-of :allocation :class
             :initform (c-in ""))

   (participants :cell nil :accessor participants-of :allocation :class
                 :initform nil)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((chat CellsChat) &key)
  ;; New user joins the conversation.
  (push chat (participants-of chat))
  ;; New user wants to see what's been going on recently.
  (updateTextBox chat))

(defmethod updateTextBox ((chat CellsChat))
  ;; Show conversation till now.
  (format t "(text-box-of ~A): '~A'~%"
          (username-of chat)
          (text-box-of chat)))

(defobserver text-box ((chat CellsChat))
  ;; Update interface of each participant whenever
  ;; `text-box' changes (for whatever reason).
  (dolist (participant (participants-of chat))
    (updateTextBox participant)))

(defmethod say ((chat CellsChat) (what string))
  (setf (text-box-of chat)
        (concatenate 'string
                     (text-box-of chat)
                     (username-of chat) ": " what *newline*)))

(defmethod part ((chat CellsChat))
  ;; User leaves the conversation.
  (setf (participants-of chat)
        (delete chat (participants-of chat))))

Lars Rune Nøstdal

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