[cello-devel] Re: Cello

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Tue Mar 9 06:14:05 UTC 2004

jan wrote:

>Kenny Tilton <ktilton at nyc.rr.com> writes:
>>>>>Here is the minimal program I'm trying to get working.
>>>>>I'm getting a segfault in ffi land.
>>>>On which call? If to glutMainLoop, do you manage to re-enter any
>>>In the glut-create-window call,
>>damn, that's early. have you run the C demos that come with freeglut
>>as a sanity check?
>The demos work, aswell as the following, which is a C version of my
>test program.
Sounds like you have the bases covered. Let's see what Frank's version 
#s are. Unfortunately my mail to him is bouncing, possibly due to 
"mailbox full", so he may not see this for a while. He warned me he 
would be out of reach till next weekend.


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