[boston-lisp] lisp house

Joe Corneli holtzermann17 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 01:39:16 UTC 2009

[pjb] The walls inside the lisp house are paperthin like in Japanese houses.
          They're purely symbolic.  Some other language may have reinforced
          concrete interior walls.  Choose where you want to live!  ;-)
[nyef] pjb: Surely that has acoustic as well as thermal implications....
[pjb] Yes, you need to be more civilized in a Japanese house :-)
[Xach] chilly during the AI winter

 -- http://www.cliki.net/IRC%20Quotes

Hey, I've been in Boston enjoying myself for one summer, but need a
place for fall. I was thinking it would be fun to live with other Lispers.
Anyone here interested?

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