[hunchentoot-devel] [hunchentoot] wrong character set in parsing request (#1)

John DeSoi desoi at pgedit.com
Mon Oct 31 14:44:15 UTC 2011


On Oct 31, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Hans Hübner wrote:

> I have continued the topic on github, even though the issue is closed.
> Hunchentoot makes no attempt in determining the content type for
> non-text bodies.  I think that the piece of code that you've posted
> does the right thing.  I also think that RAW-POST-DATA should return
> the body as octet vector rather than making a possibly false attempt
> at guessing the character set.  If you have another suggestion, please
> let us know.

Does not the fact that charset is provided, tell you that it is textual? There is nothing magic about the mime time having "text" in it. I think there are a lot of mime types that are textual that don't have "text" as the subtype. In all cases Hunchentoot is going to give you the wrong character type by default (unless it matches by luck). The handler I provided is not a complete solution because, I assumed UTF-8 which is incorrect. Other character sets are allowed. To handle any text request correctly (that does not have "text" in the mime type), the handler will need to parse the charset itself. This repeats what Hunchentoot has already executed, but ignored because "text" was not in the mime subtype.

This is not a big deal and I can work around it. But I suspect it will come up again in the near future :).

Thanks for your feedback,

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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