[stefil-devel] trouble with darcs repos

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 19:10:46 UTC 2010

hi Daniel,

> Sorry for the slow reply.  Thank you for explaining the situation.  Since
> hu.dwim.stefil is a fork of Stefil, could you remove the darcs "redirect"

not really a fork in the sense that i don't know about anyone
doing/planning any changes against the old repo. or at least we
certainly abandoned it...

> notice and simply put a note on the Stefil website?

i'm not sure i want to do that, because hu.dwim.stefil is a new and
better revision of stefil and i want newcomers to use the new version
and report bugs/send patches against that.

if someone is already using stefil then they can decide if it's worth
the trouble to upgrade after seeing that heads up message...

btw, that notice is a hard-link between all our 10+ obsolete repos.

if you don't want to bother, then please just ignore the notice and
keep on using the old repo.


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