[stefil-devel] Stefil documentation

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 13:34:53 UTC 2010

> Are there more comprehensive documentation for Stefil other than the
> one at http://common-lisp.net/project/stefil/demo.html? The README
> currently points to http://dwim.hu/project/hu.dwim.stefil which
> doesn't help a lot either.
> Do you have pointers that you can point me to?

too many things to do and no time for documentation, sorry.

the canonical point will be http://dwim.hu/project/hu.dwim.stefil
which is the content available in the hu.dwim.stefil repo in

you can also find the log of a lightning talk in
documentation/lightning-talk.lisp. there's really not much more to
stefil docs than that...



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