[slime-devel] slime-space not working, both in slime repl and inferor lisp

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 21 00:11:06 UTC 2005

* Samium Gromoff [2005-11-20 14:21+0100] writes:

> running slime-insert-arglist on the symbol produces:
>  "Arglist not available

Let's call this a CLISP shortcoming.  With e.g. CMUCL, I can enter 

cl-user> (defpackage<SPACE>

in the SLIME repl and "(defpackage package &rest options)" gets
displayed in the echo area.

SLIME displays only what the Lisp implementation provides and
slime-space doesn't display anything if the Lisp implementation
doesn't provide anything.  E.g. with CLISP

cl-user> (defun foo (a b c) (+ a b c))
cl-user> (foo<SPACE> 

Emacs displays "(foo a b c)" but for 'cons only "(cons arg0 arg1)" and
nothing for 'defpackage.


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