[slime-devel] Closing *Completions* buffer

Tiago Maduro-Dias tcmd at rnl.ist.utl.pt
Wed Apr 21 01:59:44 UTC 2004

Hi again,

Apparently the problem with the current version of 
slime-complete-restore-window-configuration is somehow related to the
use of bury-buffer. Instead of the hackish patch I sent earlier this
version makes use of the present structure but calls the
slime-close-buffer function instead, which basically does the same as
the previous code but makes use of kill-buffer.

Another important issue is the use of the slime-completions-buffer-name
variable instead of the hard coded "*Completions*".

Sorry for not paying closer attention to the code before sending the
suggested patches to the list.


"I conjecture that there is no good algorithm for the traveling salesman
problem. My reasons are the same as for any mathematical cojecture: (1)
It is a legitimate mathematical possiblity, and (2) I do not know."
--Jack Edmonds, 1966
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