[mel-base-devel] mel.mime:parts not working properly for rfc 2822 (reading from a file)

Jochen Schmidt js at crispylogics.com
Thu Jan 28 16:05:27 UTC 2010

Am 28.01.2010 um 16:56 schrieb Fred Gibson:

> Hi Jochen,
> On further looking at the problem, the scan and multipart-read seem to
> work exactly as designed no matter the message complexity - very nice.
> The reason I'm getting strange results is when using
> part-body-string, there seems to be a problem with not skipping enough
> headers with increased message complexity, thereby giving a bad read
> on a correctly parsed part.  I'm working on troubleshooting this now.

I've also looked into this. Scanning and creating body structures is not the problem.
Actually part-body-string does only work for quite simple multipart messages. I had an idea though how to simplify part lookup and at the same time support komplex multipart messages:

AFAIR the body structure stores the boundary of the part. So it should be possible to scan the message for the beginning boundary tag of the given part - completely ignoring any hierarchy. I'll try that as soon as my time permits.


Jochen Schmidt 
Uhlandstr. 9, 90408 Nuremberg

Fon +49 (0)911 517 999 82
Fax +49 (0)911 517 999 83

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