[iterate-devel] Texinfo version of The Iterate Manual

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Thu May 3 15:14:17 UTC 2007

> Yes please push it. Don't erase the old .tex files though, as I'd like them archived somehow.


i would rename the 'tex' directory to something more obvious that it's
obsolete. tex-obsolete? or a file _OBSOLETE_ in the tex dir? or
something like that... suggestions? maybe a toplevel 'obsolete'

and i would also remove the generated pdf's in the obsolete tex dir.

> Attila, could you please fix your recent sharp-l patch?
> In CLISP, (load "iterate" :compiling t) errors out.
> Something is wrong with EVAL-WHEN, and I haven't time to look after this.
> Might be a CLISP bug (feature interaction between LOAD :compiling and EVAL-WHEN).
> BTW, I think the function was named sharpL for good reason: the new sharp-l-reader name is hardly distinguishable from sharp-1-reader. l1L
> What @#$! fonts we use.

ok, i'll check/fix it.


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