[clfswm-devel] CLFSWM 1106 released.

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Mon Jun 13 21:20:44 UTC 2011

Desmond O. Chang writes:

> Hi Philippe,
Hi Des,

> Congratulations on the new release!

> I've been using CLFSWM since January.  Now it replaces StumpWM and
> becomes my primary WM.  I really like its concept.
Wow, glad to hear this! 

> I'm learning your recent improvements.  But these days I'm busy on my
> projects, so I didn't feedback anything before.
> Now I'll report the problems I found so far.
> 1. Better support for multiple screens
>    For example.  The "second mode" window is in the center of the
>    whole screen, not one of the physical screens.
>    Another example.  The ask-close/kill menu is always on the
>    top-right corner of the whole screen, but the window might be on
>    the left monitor.
>    Maybe we can improve this behaviour.
You can change all windows positions with the with-placement macro.
Have a look at src/clfswm-placement.lisp and src/package.lisp.
You can define your own.

For example: (setf *second-mode-placement* 'top-left-placement)

Feel free to share. I don't use a multiple display this days so if you
have something you're happy with, please, tell us.
The frame-toggle-maximize function bound to mod-5+return is surely

> 2. Running commands based on key codes
>    There're 3 PageUp definitions in keysyms.lisp
>    $ git --no-pager grep -in \#xff55
>    src/keysyms.lisp:93:(cl-define-keysym #xff55 "Prior")   ;Prior, previous
>    src/keysyms.lisp:94:(cl-define-keysym #xff55 "Page_Up")
>    src/keysyms.lisp:1923:(cl-define-keysym #xFF55 "SunPageUp")
>    SunPageUp is the last one, so it overrides the others.  This causes
>    all the PageUp related keybindings unavailable.  I have to reset
>    the keyname to "Page_Up" in the rcfile.
>    I think CLFSWM should associate commands with the key codes instead
>    of key names.
Yes this is boring for me too. So I've repeated the Page_Up definition
at the end of the file.
BTW you can already define commands with keycodes. In fact, define-*-key
accept a keysym, a keycode or a char for there keys.

> 3. How to send the binded keys?
>    Using Mod-4 gets rid of most keybinding conflicts (with emacs) in
>    main mode.  But I also want to send several keys to the
>    applications, such as C-Esc or F10.
There is no way for now. If you want to use those bindings, remove them
in your .clfswmrc. Something like this:

(defun local-binding ()
  (undefine-main-key ("Escape" :control))
  (undefine-main-key  ("F10")))

(add-hook *binding-hook* 'local-binding)

> BTW1, dropping SVN is a very very correct decision.
Yes, I think so! I've to remove all occurrence to SVN in the trac wiki. 

> BTW2, the new ask-close/kill menu is good.  Now I can operate the
> windows faster.
Yes that's also the case for me :)

While I'm there. Do you have some news about the Debian package? I've
seen something about licence problems. Indeed if you have some time!

> Thanks,
Best regards,


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