[cells-devel] Celtk contrib: ttk::treeview

Madhu enometh at meer.net
Sat Sep 27 08:21:12 UTC 2008

Attached is a small hack for using ttk::treeview - the hierarchical
multicolumn data display widget, within CTK.  See man ttk_treeview(n).

There is a small example at the bottom of the file.  I'm attaching a
second file which tests the widget on the filesystem directory structure
(ala the tree.tcl which is bundled with the tk 8.5 demos).  This uses
`portable' cl pathname functions, so it may be rough depending on your
lisp implementation.

I'm hoping to get feedback, especially from Kenny, on the correct or
incorrect use of cells here.  I'm using the cells family model to
structure the tree hierarchy.

scrollbars are not done in this version.  I expect there will be changes
to Celtk scrollers so it won't be necessary to handle those here.


[1] In particular I have a question inside dirtree example.  The
    directories displayed have to be opened by double clicking the
    listed items -- There is no "openable" icon next to them.  Now If I
    could create a dummy kid Tk will display the entry as openable.
    Cells did not let me create an initial dummy kids list (search for
    "HOWTO" in dirtree-test.lisp), that I could later swap out with an
    expanded list inside the on-open callback.  [This, even when I wrap
    calls to with-integrity.]

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