[hunchentoot-devel] hunchentoot-1.2.2 throw a Recursive lock attempt error in sbcl 1.0.55

Xu Jingtao jingtaozf at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 00:42:29 UTC 2012

Hi Hans,

My server OS is debian 6.0(i686). Some hunchentoot setup codes like this:
(defclass my-site-acceptor (easy-acceptor)
  (:documentation "This is the acceptor of the my-site framework."))

(defmethod acceptor-status-message ((acceptor my-site-acceptor) http-status-code  &key &allow-other-keys)
  (when (/= http-status-code +http-service-error-handling+)

(defmethod acceptor-remove-session ((acceptor my-site-acceptor) (session t))
  (declare (ignore acceptor))
  (loop for path in (session-value :|temp files|)
     (ignore-errors (delete-file path))))

(defun start-site (&key (port 3001))
  (cond (*site-acceptor*
         (warn "site has been started.")
         (setf *site-acceptor*
               (make-instance 'my-site-acceptor :address "" :port port
                              (strcat *log-path* "access.log")
                              (strcat *log-path* "message.log")))
         (start *site-acceptor*))))
I have defined many pages with 'define-easy-handler',reproducing it is difficult
because the server runs fine when started,they hung after random hours(sometimes many days) later,
when people visit my site.

> >                            :NAME "global-message-log-lock"
> >                            :%OWNER #<SB-THREAD:THREAD
> >                                      "hunchentoot-worker-" RUNNING
> >                                      {C4F7F19}>
> >                            :STATE 1).
> I have not been able to reproduce this problem.  Can you provide a way
> to reproduce it?
> Thanks,
> -Hans

Jingtao Xu
A Lisp Programmer

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