[hunchentoot-devel] Problem with (setf (hunchentoot:reply-external-format*) ...)

Raymond Wiker rwiker at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 15:40:17 UTC 2012

On Jan 10, 2012, at 15:34 , Hans Hübner wrote:
> Hello Raymond,
> can you let us know what you mean by "abort".  An error message and
> backtrace would be most helpful.
> Thanks,
> Hans

That's the problem - I don't get an error message, and no stacktrace - the closest I get to an error indication is the web browser saying "the server dropped the connection" or something like that... I guess that could be a mismatch between content-length and actual content? Caused by different ideas of what the line-ending protocol is?

I'll make a more concentrated effort to find out where it fails.

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