[hunchentoot-devel] Hard to catch errors below process-request

Hans Hübner hans.huebner at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 05:40:52 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 4:29 AM, AVS <lispercat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion, Hans.
> In the mean time could you try one thing? Put some bad code inside
> start-output that will cause an exception (for instance (list a b)
> without a, b defined, or (/ 1 0)). Also (setf *catch-errors-p* nil).
> If things are as they should be it'll trigger the debugger. In my case
> it doesn't which is the cause of the whole issue.
> If it triggers the debugger break for you, it means there is something
> related to sbcl I am using.

The debugger is not triggered, so the bug is real.  Having a way to
reproduce it by user code would be helpful nevertheless.


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