[hunchentoot-devel] Patch for ABCL SET-TIMEOUTS

Mark Evenson evenson at panix.com
Thu Apr 28 04:58:13 UTC 2011

The attached patch provides an implementation for Hunchentoot's 
SET-TIMEOUTS running on ABCL.  Please consider it for inclusion in the 
Hunchentoot source.

With this patch, [the development versions of ABCL is now able to run 
Hunchentoot with small additional patches to Quicklisp bordeaux-threads 
and usocket][1].

Currently one has to add :HUNCHENTOOT-NO-SSL to *FEATURES* for 
Hunchentoot to work as CFFI doesn't implement the necessary callbacks 
for CL+SSL to work (but [progress in rectifying this has been made][2]. 
  And testing via Drakma needs trivial-garbage for which we [only 
recently implemented the necessary finalizers][3] but haven't wrestled 
out a suitable patch.

[1]: http://detroit.slack.net/~evenson/abcl/hunchentoot
[2]: http://detroit.slack.net/~evenson/abcl/cffi-abcl-20101231a.diff
[3]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/changeset/13250

"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."
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