[hunchentoot-devel] recent-ish hunchentoot changes

Cyrus Harmon ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com
Fri Apr 8 00:00:41 UTC 2011

So, I see that way requests are handled has changed a bit in the last couple months. This leads me to a couple questions:

1. This is still only in the svn (and various mirrors) versions, not yet in a released version, right? Any idea when we should expect a release with these changes?

2. default-dispatcher and *default-handler* seem to have gone away, right? and *dispatch-table* is now an easy-handler-only thing?

3. is the "new" way to handle requests to subclass acceptor, as easy-acceptor does? How is this supposed to play with the ssl-acceptor? Should we define regular (non-ssl) acceptors and ssl-acceptors for our code? I think of http vs. https as more of a transport issue than an application logic issue. It seems a little odd to be using subclassing, along one axis, for http vs. https and for application-logic, along another axis. Am I missing something?

In case anyone's curious, I'm trying to bring my hunchentoot-vhost forward to work with the new hunchentoot, and it's requiring a bit of a rethinking of how I handle requests. I'm happy to make a hunchentoot-vhost-acceptor, if that's the way to go, but I'm a little less thrilled about having to make a hunchentoot-vhost-ssl-acceptor too.

I think the new design generally looks nice, but it's still taking some getting used to.



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