[hunchentoot-devel] Chained SSL-certificates support

Semion Prihodko semion.ababo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 15:20:35 UTC 2010

Actually I think that Hunchentoot is a great webserver, so don't take it to
heart. And I very appreciate  what you all guys do.

By the way the issue is solved - no patch needed. The problem was in
documentation of CL+SSL:USE-CERTIFICATE-CHAIN-FILE which was not clear.
After reading the appropriate OpenSSL call reference I understood that it's
needed to add only a single file. In that file I need to place 2
certificates (in pem format): the website's and the following intermediate
CA's. Now it's working. Thanks a lot.

2010/9/1 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner at gmail.com>

> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 16:46, Semion Prihodko <semion.ababo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > This is really a problem, because most of certificates that can be
> purchased
> > use intermediate root certificate... really don't understand why this
> issue
> > was not taken into consideration in Hunchentoot design.
> We're sorry to hear that Hunchentoot does not meet your requirements.
> We implemented the features that we need, and chained certificate
> support was not required by us.  You are welcome to send a patch.  We
> can also offer paid support.
> http://weitz.de/patches.html
> -Hans
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