[hunchentoot-devel] invalid initarg error

Patrick May patrick.may at mac.com
Tue Sep 22 14:07:36 UTC 2009

On Sep 18, 2009, at 7:48 PM, Hans Hübner wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 17:18, Patrick May <patrick.may at mac.com>  
> wrote:
>>        I just updated from the bknr Subversion repository and started
>> getting errors immediately when serving static content.  The error
>> messages are below, but when I reverted to revision 499 of the
>> repository, the problem went away.
>>        Please let me know if there is any other debugging I can  
>> help with.
>> Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.3-r12755M  (LinuxX8664)!
>> ? > Error: STRUCTURE.STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM  #x300041ECCB4D> is not of
>> the expected type
>> STRUCTURE.300041ECCB4D> is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.>  
>> Error:
>>  > Error: value #<STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM  #x3000419AB0ED> is not of the
>> expected type STRUCTURE.
> I fail to believe that my addition of a condition class and removal of
> two initargs creates the cited problem.  Can you make sure that the
> problem is not related to your environment (i.e. reproduce it in a
> cleanly checked out environment) and, if the problem persists, provide
> us with minimal steps to reproduce the problem?


	I cleaned the system, including removing all my asdf-install  
directories and rebuilt from scratch.  It has been up and running for  
several days now.  I suspect the problem was due to different packages  
in the asdf registry.  It was not your code.

	Thanks again for the help.



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