[hunchentoot-devel] asterisk

Dmitri Hrapof hrapof at common-lisp.ru
Thu May 21 14:22:21 UTC 2009

Leslie P. Polzer <sky <at> viridian-project.de> writes:

> COOKIE-IN doesn't have the * suffix because it doesn't
> conflict with an accessor name.

I understand that too ;)

> I don't get what you're aiming for, but surely
> REQUEST-URI* can never be a method for a generic
> function named REQUEST-URI (lest you apply some
> serious MOP hackery maybe).

I meant:

why not
instead of REQUEST-URI*

use something like:

(defclass request ()
(defgeneric request-uri (&optional req))
(defmethod request-uri (&optional (req request))
 (when (null req) ...

though maybe sacrificing backwards-compatibility 
is better than writing all that :)

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