[hunchentoot-devel] Is there any implementation of XML-RPC for Hunchentoot

christoph.senjak at web.de christoph.senjak at web.de
Fri Jan 30 19:48:53 UTC 2009


2009/1/29 Robert Synnott <rsynnott at gmail.com>:
> 2009/1/29  <christoph.senjak at web.de>:
>> Hello.
>> Again a question. Is there already any Implementation of XML-RPC
>> running on Hunchentoot. I only found S-XML-RPC so far, and it seems
>> like it is using allegro serve. It may not be too hard to implement,
>> but if it is already there, I dont want to do it.
>> Greetings
>> Christoph-Simon Senjak
> This might be useful:
> http://boinkor.net/archives/2007/12/cxmlrpc_update_changed_interfa.html

Looks good. Thank you. I will try.

Christoph-Simon Senjak

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