[hunchentoot-devel] chunked encoding for input

Cyrus Harmon ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com
Sat Jun 28 00:02:15 UTC 2008

On Jun 27, 2008, at 4:46 PM, Edi Weitz wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 16:34:44 -0700, Cyrus Harmon <ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com 
> > wrote:
>> The following patch fixes the case where one sends chunked data to a
>> hunchentoot server with, say, a PUT request. We weren't paying
>> attention to the transfer-encoding in get-post-data.
> Thanks for catching that.  This is essentially what is already done in
> process-request, but due to the refactoring Hans and I did it happens
> too late at that point.
> I think get-post-data is not the right place for this, though.
> Switching chunking on or off should happen "one level further up" so
> to say.  I'll try to fix this over the weekend.

Ah, right. I see that it's the fact that this is an initarg to the  
request object that then gets passed to process-request that makes  
this tricky.

One hacky fix is to do:

--- server.lisp	(revision 3371)
+++ server.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -500,7 +500,8 @@
                (when (member "chunked" transfer-encodings :test  
                  ;; turn chunking on before we read the request body
                  (setf *hunchentoot-stream* (make-chunked-stream  
-                      (chunked-stream-input-chunking-p *hunchentoot- 
stream*) t))))
+                      (chunked-stream-input-chunking-p *hunchentoot- 
stream*) t
+                      (slot-value request 'content-stream)  
            (let* ((*request* request)
              (multiple-value-bind (body error)

>> Also, we should support looking for both "chunked" and "Chunked", so
>> I use string-equal instead of equalp here.
> equalp already does that... :)




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