[hunchentoot-devel] cl-webdav errors

Cyrus Harmon ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com
Mon Jun 23 23:36:10 UTC 2008

On Jun 23, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Edi Weitz wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 15:50:27 -0700, Cyrus Harmon <ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com 
> > wrote:
>> I'm getting some errors attempting to build the latest cl-webdav
>> with the latest ediware/sbcl combo.
> Yes, that's to be expected.  I haven't looked at cl-webdav in the last
> months.

Hmm... ok.

>> are we attempting to do something out of the CL spec here or is SBCL
>> choking on legal code?
> I think SBCL is right.  (CONSTANTLY NIL) should be replaced by the
> name of a function which does the same.

Alright, I'm taking a stab at getting this to work then. It sort  
builds now, but doesn't work.

In an effort to figure out why not, I've discovered that tbnl:*catch- 
errors-p* is still exported but doesn't exist anymore.

Here's my first cut at things:

diff --git a/handlers.lisp b/handlers.lisp
index 8f00ea6..2facb08 100755
--- a/handlers.lisp
+++ b/handlers.lisp
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ determined by *ALLOWED-METHODS* and *DAV-COMPLIANCE- 
  content body \(if there is one) and returns a corresponding
  \"multistatus\" XML element using the methods for live and dead
-  (let* ((depth-header (header-in :depth))
+  (let* ((depth-header (header-in* :depth))
           (depth-value (cond ((or (null depth-header)
                                   (string-equal depth-header  
"infinity")) nil)
                              ((string= depth-header "0") 0)
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ HEAD-REQUEST-P is true."
          (setf (header-out :content-language) content-language))
        (catch 'handler-done
          (handle-if-modified-since write-date)
-        (when (equal etag (header-in :if-none-match))
+        (when (equal etag (header-in* :if-none-match))
            (setf (return-code) +http-not-modified+)))
        (when (eql (return-code) +http-not-modified+)
          (throw 'handler-done nil))
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ instead."
  (defun delete-handler ()
    "The handler for DELETE requests.  Uses REMOVE-RESOURCE* to do
  the actual work."
-  (let ((depth-header (header-in :depth)))
+  (let ((depth-header (header-in* :depth)))
      (unless (or (null depth-header)
                  (string-equal depth-header "infinity"))
        (warn "Depth header is ~S." depth-header)
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ new resource from the contents sent by the client."
      (let ((parent (resource-parent resource)))
        (when (or (null parent) (not (resource-exists parent)))
-    (let* ((content-length-header (cdr (assoc :content-length  
+    (let* ((content-length-header (cdr (assoc :content-length  
             (content-length (and content-length-header
                                  (parse-integer content-length- 
header :junk-allowed t))))
        (unless content-length
@@ -255,21 +255,21 @@ new resource from the contents sent by the  
    "The handler for COPY requests which internally uses
  COPY-OR-MOVE-RESOURCE* to do the actual work.  Also doubles as a
  handler for MOVE requests if MOVEP is true."
-  (let* ((depth-header (header-in :depth))
+  (let* ((depth-header (header-in* :depth))
           (depth-value (cond ((or (null depth-header)
                                   (string-equal depth-header  
"infinity")) nil)
                              ((and (string= depth-header "0")
                                    (not movep)) 0)
                              (t (warn "Depth header is ~S." depth- 
-         (overwrite (equal (header-in :overwrite) "T"))
+         (overwrite (equal (header-in* :overwrite) "T"))
           (source (get-resource)))
      ;; note that we ignore a possible request body and thus the
      ;; "propertybehaviour" XML element for now - we just try to use
      ;; best effort to copy/move all properties
      (unless (resource-exists source)
-    (let ((destination-header (header-in :destination)))
+    (let ((destination-header (header-in* :destination)))
        (unless destination-header
          (warn "No 'Destination' header.")
diff --git a/properties.lisp b/properties.lisp
index f0b0b28..49489c2 100755
--- a/properties.lisp
+++ b/properties.lisp
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ found) the property itself."
    (let ((property (handler-case
                        (get-property resource property-designator)
                      (error (condition)
-                      (log-message* "While trying to get property ~S  
for resource ~S: ~A"
-                                    (local-name property-designator)
-                                    (resource-script-name resource)
-                                    condition)
+                      (log-message "While trying to get property ~S  
for resource ~S: ~A"
+                                   (local-name property-designator)
+                                   (resource-script-name resource)
+                                   condition)
      (etypecase property
        (null (values +http-ok+ property-designator))
diff --git a/resources.lisp b/resources.lisp
index 55cffdf..613667d 100755
--- a/resources.lisp
+++ b/resources.lisp
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ name SCRIPT-NAME \(which is already URL-decoded).")
     (make-instance resource-class-name
                    :script-name script-name)))

-(defun get-resource (&optional (script-name (url-decode* (script- 
+(defun get-resource (&optional (script-name (url-decode* (script- 
    "Creates and returns an object of the type stored in
  *RESOURCE-CLASS* corresponding to the script name SCRIPT-NAME."
    (create-resource *resource-class* script-name))
diff --git a/specials.lisp b/specials.lisp
index f4fefc7..2bfb12f 100755
--- a/specials.lisp
+++ b/specials.lisp
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
      `(cl:defconstant ,name (if (boundp ',name) (symbol-value  
',name) ,value)
         ,@(when doc (list doc)))))

+(defun constantly-nil (&rest args)
+  (declare (ignore args))
+  nil)
  (defconstant +dav-property-alist+
    `(("creationdate" . creation-date)
      ("displayname" . resource-display-name)
@@ -46,8 +50,8 @@
      ("getcontentlanguage" . resource-content-language)
      ("resourcetype" . resource-type)
      ("source" . resource-source)
-    ("lockdiscovery" . ,(constantly nil))
-    ("supportedlock" . ,(constantly nil)))
+    ("lockdiscovery" . constantly-nil)
+    ("supportedlock" . constantly-nil))
    "An alist mapping the \(names of the) standard DAV properties
  to functions handling them.")

diff --git a/util.lisp b/util.lisp
index 85b3afd..4f85165 100755
--- a/util.lisp
+++ b/util.lisp
@@ -90,5 +90,5 @@ then uses LATIN-1 if that fails."
    ;; LATIN-1...
        (url-decode string +utf-8+)
-    (flex:flexi-stream-encoding-error ()
+    (flex:external-format-encoding-error ()
        (url-decode string +latin-1+))))

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