[hunchentoot-devel] Errors with test pages

Jong-won Choi jc at itsec.co.kr
Thu Mar 8 12:46:08 UTC 2007

Jong-won Choi wrote:
> Edi Weitz wrote:
>> What errors do you get?  Can you provide a backtrace?
> Here is the backtrace.
> My example input for 'Enter a value:' is 日本語
> And there are two backtrace(they look same)
> 1. http://localhost:4242/hunchentoot/test/parameter_utf8_get.html
> 2. http://localhost:4242/hunchentoot/test/parameter_utf8_post.html 

I'm sorry for the duplicated attachment. My kid acted like a little 
tiger when I was sending the message. I hope you can see the Japanese 
characters without a problem.



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