[hunchentoot-devel] url-encode doesn't encode apostrophes

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Sat Dec 22 03:03:53 UTC 2007

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:57:15 -0700, Robert Uhl <eadmund42 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm using url-encode to encode strings that I use for keys (see
> e.g. <http://octopodial-chrome.com/tasting-notes/beer/Fuller%26rsquo%3Bs/2000%20Vintage%20Ale>;
> the brewer and beer name strings are both Unicode/HTML and contain
> characters meaningful in a URL).  While running my pages through the
> w3c validator, I discovered that url-encode doesn't encode
> apostrophes ('), so now I run my strings through
> (cl-who:encode-string (hunchentoot:url-encode string)); is this the
> appropriate way to do things?
> It might be: url-encode turns a string into a string suitable for a
> URL and encode-string turns a string into a string suitable for an
> HTML attribute value.  Still, it seems a bit...complex.

It seems complex, but it is the right way to do it.  FWIW, the CL-WHO
function is called ESCAPE-STRING, not ENCODE-STRING, and that shows
its intent more clearly.

As you said, you URL-encode the string to make it suitable for a URL.
You might want to use the result for a header value in an HTTP reply,
or as a URL you're giving to a client like Drakma.  That's fine.  But
if you want to put the URL-encoded string into an HTML page, then the
HTML rules apply, and you might have to escape the string in order not
to create conflicts.  That's life... :)

Still, I'm surprised to see parts like "r%26rsquo%3Bs" in your example
URL.  With recent Hunchentoot and CL-WHO I get this:

  CL-USER 4 > (hunchentoot:url-encode "Fuller's")

  CL-USER 5 > (cl-who:escape-string *)

And if I put a link like

  <a href="http://weitz.de/foo?a=Fuller's">click me</a>

into an HTML file, then Firefox will go to


if I click the link.  Your example almost looks as if you have it the
other way around.


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