[tbnl-devel] Re: Another patch to add a non-araneida HTTP header parser

Bob Hutchison hutch at recursive.ca
Wed Mar 16 16:13:45 UTC 2005


Here is a better patch, it fixes a problem in the last patch I gave you 
yesterday (this patches your 0.4.0 release).

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When you make the next release I'm going to have to chase down that 
memory problem. I just tried a little experiment. I called the 
tbnl::apache-listen function from Araneida, basically inserting TBNL's 
handling of requests onto Araneida's handling of the sockets. There is 
no memory problem when this is done. The only time I get this memory 
problem is when I use TBNL's standard plumbing -- and it seems to me to 
be the krmcl:listener stuff, perhaps exclusively.


On Mar 16, 2005, at 5:15 AM, Edi Weitz wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:25:47 -0500, Bob Hutchison <hutch at recursive.ca> 
> wrote:
>> No, *here* is the patch. Sorry.
> Thanks, Bob.  I'll release a new version later today.
> Cheers,
> Edi.
Bob Hutchison          -- blogs at <http://www.recursive.ca/hutch/>
Recursive Design Inc.  -- <http://www.recursive.ca/>

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