[tbnl-devel] Re: New version 0.4.0

Stefan Scholl stesch at no-spoon.de
Wed Mar 16 12:54:09 UTC 2005

On 2005-03-16 07:43:33, Bob Hutchison wrote:
> On Mar 16, 2005, at 7:36 AM, Stefan Scholl wrote:
> >Yesterday on #lisp:
> >17:43 < stesch> OK, now for any "Accept-Encoding:.*gzip" one
> >                could run Xach's zlib thing. Who implements this
> >                for TBNL?
> What's #lisp?

IRC channel #lisp on the IRC network freenode.

> I can do it easily enough I think. If I can't get it done in the next 

Should be easy. I would look for the documentation of mod_gzip to
see what headers have to be set and questioned.

AFAIK incoming "Accept-Encoding" must be checked for "gzip" and
in the response header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" and
"Content-Encoding: gzip" must be set. (I've just read the request
and response header for a website that uses mod_gzip.)

Err, is it "gzip" or "deflate"?

> for the duration -- for some reason I imagine that this somehow proves 
> to my wife that I'm not really an addict :-)

I can quit any time I want! :-)

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