Maybe another glitch

Paul Bowyer pbowyer at
Fri Jan 31 22:51:26 UTC 2014

Hi João,

I found a solution to the columnized text in the slime.html file.
Rather than using:

texi2html $<

in the make file, I used:

makeinfo --html --no-split $<

which works just as well, but without the single-columned text.

If you find this acceptable, I've attached the modified makefile from 
slime/doc to this message. I don't know how that might impact other users...

The version of texi2html that is available on my Linux Mint is version 
1.82-ubuntu. I did some searching and discovered that there is a version 
5.0 available, but not on my distro. I was hesitant to install it 
because it might break something else.

By the way, slime-mrepl seems to be usable for my purposes. At first I 
thought it wasn't working until I stopped redirecting all the output to 
the main repl. then it started responding properly.


Paul Bowyer

-------------- next part --------------
# This file has been placed in the public domain.
# Where to put the info file(s). NB: the GNU Coding Standards (GCS)
# and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) differ on where info
# files belong. The GCS says /usr/local/info; the FHS says
# /usr/local/share/info. Many distros obey the FHS, but people who
# installed their emacs from source probably have a GCS-ish file
# hierarchy.

# What command to use to install info file(s)
INSTALL_CMD=install -m 644

# Info files generated here.

TEXI = slime.texi contributors.texi

	@echo -e "\
Most important targets:\n\
all               generate info, pdf, and html documents\n\        generate the file\n\
slime.html        generate a single html file\n\
html/index.html   generate on html file per node in html/ directory\n\
html.tgz          create a tarball of all html files\n\
clean             remove generated files"

all: slime.pdf html/index.html

slime.dvi: $(TEXI)
	texi2dvi slime.texi slime.dvi
	dvips -o $@ $< $(TEXI)
	makeinfo $<

slime.html: $(TEXI)
#	texi2html $<
	makeinfo --html --no-split $<

html/index.html: $(TEXI)
	makeinfo -o html --html $<

html.tgz: html/index.html
	tar -czf $@ html

# invoke this like: make CLUSER=heller publish
publish: html.tgz
	scp html.tgz $(CLUSER)$(DOCDIR)
	ssh $(CLUSER) "cd $(DOCDIR); tar -zxf html.tgz"

slime.pdf: $(TEXI)
	texi2pdf $<

install: install-info

uninstall: uninstall-info

# Create contributors.texi, a texinfo table listing all known
# contributors of code.
# Explicitly includes Eric Marsden (pre-ChangeLog hacker)
# The gist of this horror show is that the contributor list is piped
# into texinfo-tabulate.awk with one name per line, sorted
# alphabetically.
# Some special-case TeX-escaping of international characters.
contributors.texi: ../ChangeLog Makefile texinfo-tabulate.awk
	cat ../ChangeLog | \
	sed -ne '/^[0-9]/{s/^[^ ]* *//; s/ *<.*//; p;}' | \
	sort | \
	uniq -c | \
	sort -nr| \
	sed -e 's/^[^A-Z]*//' | \
	awk -f texinfo-tabulate.awk | \
	sed -e "s/\o341/@'a/g" | \
        sed -e "s/\o355/@'{@dotless{i}}/g" | \
	sed -e "s/\o351/@'e/g" | \
	sed -e "s/\o361/@~n/g" | \
	sed -e 's/\o370/@o{}/g' \
	> $@

#.INTERMEDIATE: contributors.texi

# Debian's install-info wants a --section argument.
section := $(shell grep INFO-DIR-SECTION $(infofiles) | sed 's/INFO-DIR-SECTION //')
	mkdir -p $(infodir)
	$(INSTALL_CMD) $(infofiles) $(infodir)/$(infofiles)
	@if (install-info --version && \
		install-info --version 2>&1 | sed 1q | grep -i -v debian) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
		echo "install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) $(infodir)/$(infofiles)";\
		install-info --info-dir="$(infodir)" "$(infodir)/$(infofiles)" || :;\
	else \
		echo "install-info --infodir=$(infodir) --section $(section) $(section) $(infodir)/$(infofiles)" && \
		install-info --infodir="$(infodir)" --section $(section) ${section} "$(infodir)/$(infofiles)" || :; fi

	@if (install-info --version && \
		install-info --version 2>&1 | sed 1q | grep -i -v debian) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
		echo "install-info --info-dir=$(infodir) --remove $(infodir)/$(infofiles)";\
		install-info --info-dir="$(infodir)" --remove "$(infodir)/$(infofiles)" || :;\
	else \
		echo "install-info --infodir=$(infodir) --remove $(infodir)/$(infofiles)";\
		install-info --infodir="$(infodir)" --remove "$(infodir)/$(infofiles)" || :; fi
	rm -f $(infodir)/$(infofiles)

	rm -f contributors.texi
	rm -f slime.aux slime.cp slime.cps slime.fn slime.fns
	rm -f slime.kys slime.log slime.tmp slime.toc
	rm -f slime.vr slime.vrs
	rm -f slime.pdf slime.dvi slime.html
	rm -rf html html.tgz

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