[slime-devel] Error message displayed when using slime-autodoc.el

Mark Harig idirectscm at aim.com
Fri Dec 4 00:40:12 UTC 2009

An error message is being displayed in Emacs's echo area
(minibuffer) when the following text is entered into an empty
file's buffer while running SLIME:

     (quote (

That is, the error message is displayed after the second left/open 
parenthesis is typed, before any additional keys such as [Return] or 
[Space] are pressed.

1) Using CLisp with SLIME, the message is:

   Arglist Error: "The object to be destructured should be a list with at
least 1 elements, not NIL."

2) Using SBCL with SLIME, the message is:

   Arglist Error: "error while parsing arguments to DESTRUCTURING-BIND:  .."

Major mode: Lisp
Minor mode: ElDoc [COMMON-LISP-USER sbcl] (or clisp)

Note that editing with balanced parentheses does not eliminate this 
problem.  Enter balanced parentheses (for example, using paredit) text 
in the following order, where | indicates where the cursor is:

Step 1 - Enter parens:
Step 2 - Enter "quote ()" inside the parens:
          (quote (|))
Step 3 - Enter a "+" character inside the inner parentheses:
          (quote (+|))

After "+" is typed, the error message above is displayed in the echo area.

Emacs was started with the following command:

$ /usr/bin/emacs -nw -Q --load ~/.emacs.d/lisp/minimal-slime-init.el 

where the file 'empty.lisp' does not already exist, and the content of
'minimal-slime-init.el' is:

;--- snip ---

;;; M-: (info "(slime)Autoloading")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/clisp")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/sbcl")

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/slime")

(require 'slime-autoloads)

(eval-after-load "slime"
   (slime-setup '(slime-repl slime-autodoc)))

(sleep-for 2)
;--- snip ---

If '(slime-repl slime-autodoc) is replaced with '(slime-fancy) in the 
call to `slime-setup', the same error message is displayed.

The following software was used:

1) CLisp 2.47
2) SBCL 1.0.30
3) GNU Emacs 23.1
4) SLIME from CVS, updated on 3 Dec 09
    slime.el, revision 1.1254
    slime-autoloads.el, revision 1.6
    contrib/slime-autodoc.el, revision 1.24
    contrib/slime-fancy.el, revision 1.9
    contrib/slime-repl.el, revision 1.33


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